
  • Why the name Vanguard?

    Why the name Vanguard? I didn't pluck the name out of thin air because it sounded cool. I envisioned this company as leading the way; being on ...
  • Product prototype teaser

    Years of ideation, imagination, and iterations have finally led to....THIS?   We'll see.... #prototype #concealment #putyourshoulderintoit...
  • Tinkering: Shotgun belt prototype

    Some tinkering is underway during a lull in the gun show. A prior belt customer called me a few weeks ago to ask if it was possible to create a be...
  • Official Launch: Belt Clip Keychains!

    New product finally on the table: Belt Clip Keychains! I've been wearing my prototype since October 2023 for beta testing with no significant i...
  • A Facebook poll for women only

    A Facebook poll for women only: Ladies, if you own and wear belts, please share the width of the belt(s) that you use. Select all that apply (if no...
  • Quality and Continuous Improvement, Part II

    In another episode of the discussion on quality and continuous improvement, one of my early adopter customers stopped by my table at the gun show ...
  • A word about quality and continuous improvement

    I'd like to talk a bit about quality and the pursuit of continuous improvement, specifically as it pertains to Vanguard Belts. This is a lengthy r...
  • Coming Soon: Belt Clip Keychains!

    That Vanguard Belts guy spent a little time at the work bench this afternoon coming up with this prototype belt-worn keychain clip. It took a f...
  • Overly curly Vanguard Belt? Try this....

    Another Crown Point Gun & Knife Show under my "belt". Another long read here, but I enjoy documenting my company's journey here, so read on if...
  • Handmade belts by yours truly

    Vanguard Belts are cut, punched, and assembled by yours truly. A huge thank you to those who took a chance on my product at this weekend's Crow...
  • ChatGPT & AI -- A Test Facebook Ad

    While listening to the radio this morning, the morning show hosts were talking about ChatGPT and tinkering with it on the air. Because I don't ...
  • Observation from the Weekend Gun Show: Customer Loyalty

    Observation from the Weekend Gun Show: Vanguard Belts had a good sales weekend at the Crown Point Gun & Knife Show with 15 belts sol...